The blue spruce (picea pungens glauca) which we have named Baby Blue® is grown from seed harvested from a blue spruce orchard at West Montrose Farms Ltd.
After sixteen years of experimentation we now have a seed source with four very significant characteristics that sets it above all others:
1: To date, after having seeded and grown for over 20 years we have never had to cull out any green trees. They have all been vibrant blue. At one year plug size there is minimal color, however as they grow older their blue color intensifies. See the photos in the Gallery for this progression.
2: The growth rate i.e: the rate of extension of the leader, is slower in the first two to three years and increases every year until at approx. three feet tall growth becomes similar to other blue spruce types. The bud formation on the leader is much heavier than other common colorado seedlings. As a result growth is very compact and virtually no shearing is required.
3: The needles grow out evenly around the wood of the candle and give the branches a very full appearance which provides a full, compact looking tree at all ages.
4: Depending on climate of growing location, Baby Blue® Spruce grows to a full-sized tree approximately 35-45 feet tall, but is somewhat more slender than common colorado blue spruce.
Wholesale Size Availability:
Plugs +1 year
Plugs +2 years
1 Gallon pots
Plugs are available for shipping after September 1 through spring of the next year.
Baby Blue® Spruce